Harassment of fur seals cause for concern
Harassment of fur seals cause for concern
Increase in incidents noted
SOUTH AFRICA: Incidents of harassment of Cape fur seals have become a cause for concern as members of the public have been reportedly throwing stones at seals, enticing them to chase people for social media footage and even hitting seals with paddles while canoeing. In one case a seal was fatally injured.
IMO elections are looming – what to expect
IMO elections are looming – what to expect
Hotly contested Council elections in Category C
The International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO) Council will meet next week for its 130th Session ahead of the Assembly’s 33rd Session that kicks off on 27 November, which will include the election of the new incoming Council as well as the official acceptance of the new Secretary General, Arsenio Antonio Dominguez Velasco who is...