

Unfortunately our website was decommissioned by our previous hosting provider when they disappeared overnight in June 2023. As such we have rebuilt the content from this year and are adding older content on an ongoing basis.

Sadly this has resulted in the loss of statistics associated with article views and website traffic.


The Home Page is updated to host all of the latest news as well as the Editor's Picks and other featured topics. If directed to specific articles from our social media platforms, most visitors will navigate to the Home Page to access other news. We limit the number of adverts that are displayed on the Home Page at any given time and there are some restrictions that apply to the sizing of the adverts to ensure that the overall appearance of the page is not compromised.

All prices are quoted in South African Rands and exclude VAT. Advertising will only be uploaded to the website once payment is received in full. 

Available positions on the Home Page: 
TOP BANNER - 3 col One month R5,000.00

Three months R12,000.00

Six months R20,000.00
TOP BANNER - 1 colOne monthR3,000.00

Three monthsR7,200.00

Six monthsR12,000.00
SIDE BAR - 1 colOne monthR3,000.00

Three monthsR7,200.00

Six monthsR12,000.00
BODY - 2 colOne monthR3,000.00

Three monthsR12,000.00

Six monthsR12,000.00


The Maritime Review website includes a number of Topic Pages. Visitors looking for specific topics generally navigate towards that page to search for relevant news. We limit the number of adverts that are displayed on these pages at any given time and there are some restrictions that apply to the sizing of the adverts to ensure that the overall appearance of the page is not compromised.

All prices are quoted in South African Rands and exclude VAT. Advertising will only be uploaded to the website once payment is received in full. 

Available positions on our Topic Pages: 
TOP BANNER - 3 col One month R3,500.00

Three months R8,400.00

Six months R14,000.00
TOP BANNER - 1 colOne monthR2,000.00

Three monthsR4,800.00

Six monthsR8,000.00
SIDE BAR - 1 colOne monthR2,000.00

Three monthsR4,800.00

Six monthsR8,000.00
BODY - 2 colOne monthR2,000.00

Three monthsR4,800.00

Six monthsR8,000.00


The website is directed to open all articles with the same interface making this position a premier spot for advertisers. Visitors will see your brand with EVERY article that they open for the duration of your package. We limit the number of adverts that are displayed on the this page at any given time and there are some restrictions that apply to the sizing of the adverts to ensure that the overall appearance of the page is not compromised.

All prices are quoted in South African Rands and exclude VAT. Advertising will only be uploaded to the website once payment is received in full. 

Available positions on the Article Opening Page: 
TOP BANNER - 3 col One month R7,000.00

Three months R16,800.00

Six months R28,000.00
TOP BANNER - 1 colOne monthR5,000.00

Three monthsR12,000.00

Six monthsR20,000.00
SIDE BAR - 1 colOne monthR5,000.00

Three monthsR12,000.00

Six monthsR20,000.00
BODY - 2 colOne monthR5,000.00

Three monthsR12,000.00

Six monthsR20,000.00

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