Acquisition bolsters service offerings for safety equipment provider
NovaMarine acquires AllSurvey Industrial
SOUTH AFRICA: Marine safety and survival equipment service provider, NovaMarine, has acquired AllSurvey Industrial (Pty) Ltd (ASI), an engineering company with over 35 years’ experience in the maritime industry.
“The acquisition of ASI marks a significant milestone in our growth and aligns well with our strategic vision,” says Susan Meldrum, Divisional Manager for NovaMarine, adding that the synergy between the ASI’s product offerings and their own technical services provides a strategic opportunity to position the merged entity as a premier technical supplier.
“The acquisition of ASI marks a significant milestone in our growth and aligns well with our strategic vision.”
“ASI’s portfolio of OEM’s fits well into the suite of services currently offered by our Technologies division and will go a long way in providing expanded capabilities which will benefit our customers,” she adds.
The ASI team has longstanding relationships with OEM’s and vessel owners, and have retained memberships with marine industry bodies such as the South African Oil & Gas Alliance (SAOGA), the South African Association of Ship Operators and Agents (SAASOA) and the South African Association of Shipbuilders and Repairers (SAASR).
Lars Thorsen, who has been at the helm of ASI as the founder of the company says that he is proud of the legacy that they built and adds that he is excited to begin the new chapter as Technical Business Development Executive. He will continue to manage his team who have all moved across with him.
“In an industry where skills transfer is critical, I look forward to training the technicians on our systems. It is our common goal to provide our customers with uncompromised service standards which is achievable with the additional resources available to us,” adds Thorsen.
Established in 1986, ASI’s principal activity is the provision of Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) equipment to the offshore and marine industry. They have exclusive agreements in place with several international companies including DESMI, Atlas Incinerators, HAMANN AG, NORWATER and BEVI.
NovaMarine is owned by Sturrock Grindrod Maritime (Pty) Ltd (SGM) and forms part of their Technical division, while SGM is a subsidiary of Grindrod Limited.
SGM CEO, Andrew Sturrock, commented on the acquisition as a strategic decision. “The acquisition brings together two powerhouse teams, unlocking new opportunities, innovation, and expanded capabilities that will benefit our customers and partners in exciting new ways.”
PHOTO: SGM CEO, Andrew Sturrock (left), pictured with ASI Founder, Lars Thorsen, who will be leading his team in a new role as Technical Business Development Executive under the NovaMarine brand going forward.