SOUTH AFRICA: Having identified accredited training for the offshore sectors as a crucial component of developing the local and regional capacity to participate in the global energy sector, Cape Town-based Offshore Africa Training Centre (OATC) last week officially launched additional courses that will confirm the country’s position as a reputable training provider.
SOUTH AFRICA: Commercial small vessels under 25 gross tonnes will be subjected to new safety requirements under the proposed Merchant Shipping (National Small Vessel Safety) Regulations, 2024 when the 2007 regulations are repealed.
SIERRA LEONE: After the conclusion of the fifth licensing round, which featured 56 offshore blocks, in September last year, Sierra Leone is scheduling a further round this year to feature additional available acreage.
SOUTH AFRICA: The South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA), together with the Department of Transport (DoT) hosted a roundtable last week to kickstart the development of a decarbonisation roadmap for the country.
SOUTH AFRICA: The need to recruit more highly qualified lecturers within the maritime education and training space was addressed as a priority by the South African International Maritime Institute (SAIMI) in a webinar yesterday.
SOUTH AFRICA: Speaking about the implementation of the Economic Regulation of Transport (ERT) Bill which will see the establishment of a single economic transport regulator, CEO of the Ports Regulator of South Africa on Tuesday highlighted that the new entity would have enhanced powers to enforce compliance and decisions.
SENEGAL: Having departed from Singapore in December last year, the Léopold Sédar Senghor Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) facility has safely arrived offshore Senegal. The FPSO will be deployed approximately 100 kilometers south of Dakar as part of Senegal’s first offshore oil development.
Leasing, rather than buying capital assets that depreciate is increasingly making more and more business sense. And nowhere is the trend of renting equipment becoming more noticeable as a smart move in an uncertain economy than in the material handling equipment market.
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