First FPSO for Sangomar offshore oil development
FPSO sets course for Senegal
SENEGAL: The FPSO, Léopold Sédar Senghor, left Singapore this week for Senegal where it will be deployed 100 kilometres south of Dakar as part of Senegal’s first offshore oil development by Woodside Energy (Senegal) BV as operator of the Sangomar Field Development Phase 1.
The FPSO will be capable of processing 100,000 barrels of crude oil per day, 145,000 barrels of water injection per day and will have minimum storage capacity of 1,300,000 barrels of crude oil.
In a 12-month conversion, the FPSO was converted from a VLCC by MODEC Inc into fit-for-purpose platform. MODEC has been responsible for the topsides integration and shipyard pre-commissioning work undertaken in Singapore.
“MODEC is excited to deliver Senegal’s first FPSO to our valued client, Woodside Energy,” says Soichi Ide, President and CEO of MODEC Offshore Production Systems (Singapore) Pte Ltd.
“This has been a demanding project in terms of both technical and execution complexity. The challenges were compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic, but we remained fully committed to safety and quality throughout the entire process, achieving over 21 million exposure hours without a lost time injury (LTI). Through teamwork among all stakeholders, and everyone’s dedication and hard work, we are proud to deliver an FPSO that will be a safe place to work for all,” adds Ide.
“After extensive preparations, MODEC Operations group looks forward to receiving the FPSO and providing safe and successful operations and maintenance services over the life of the contract further strengthening our relationship with Woodside, the local community and our presence in the region,” says Gary Kennedy, President of MODEC Management Services Pte Ltd.
The FPSO Léopold Sédar Senghor is MODEC's fifth FPSO to be delivered to West Africa. The company has some 30 years of operational experience in West Africa and currently operates two FPSOs in the region.