Posted: Aug 12, 2024

New CEO for the NSRI

Appointment: NSRI

SOUTH AFRICA: Mike Vonk will take over from Dr Cleeve Robertson as the new CEO of the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) at the beginning of October.

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Posted: Aug 9, 2024

African Energy Chamber accuses banks of financial apartheid

Withdrawal of financial support to O&G sector impacts Africa’s economic development

“It is shocking that financial institutions that do business in Africa continue to practice financial apartheid by cutting off capital and financing to oil and gas companies operating in Africa because of climate concerns. These same institutions fund gas development in Europe, where natural gas is deemed green and a fossil fuel for Africans,” says NJ Ayuk, Executive Chairman of the African Energy Chamber (AEC).

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Posted: Aug 7, 2024

Collaborating on common interests

Promoting the maritime agenda

SOUTH AFRICA: The Maritime Business Chamber (MBC) and EThekwini Maritime Cluster (EMC) recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the objective of addressing a number of critical areas in the maritime industry aimed at training, transformation and business support.

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Posted: Aug 7, 2024

Responding to “insider threats”

IMO launches toolkit

Recognising the threat posed by maritime employees who make use of their authorised access to perpetrate a security breach within their companies, the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has released a toolkit to help the industry respond better.

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Posted: Aug 6, 2024

Funding port development to facilitate trade

African Development Fund grants the Union of the Comoros $135 million

COMOROS: The islands of Comoros has received a major boost to finance its maritime and port ambitions following the approval of a $135 million package from African Development Bank in support of the Maritime Corridor and Regional Trade Facilitation Project (PACMFCR).

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Posted: Aug 6, 2024

Two new launch boats for the Port of Cape Town

TNPA christens new vessels in Durban

SOUTH AFRICA: Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) officially launched two new launch boats, built in the Sandock Austral Shipyard in Durban yesterday.

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Posted: Aug 5, 2024

Work to stabilise wreck continues ahead of new tender for full wreck removal

SAMSA issues directive for full wreck removal

SOUTH AFRICA: Salvage efforts to stabilise the wreck of the Ultra Galaxy are ongoing ahead of the issuing of a further tender for a full wreck removal following a directive from the South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA) to owners.  

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Posted: Aug 1, 2024

National blue economy workshop proposes the establishment of an African Blue Economy institute

Shaping the Future of Cameroon’s National Blue Economy

CAMEROON: The establishment of an African Union Institute for Blue Economy and Technology was proposed during a consultative workshop funded by the Kingdom of Norway to finalise a strategy to shape a Blue Economy Strategy for Cameroon.

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