Minister publishes appeal decisions in hake deep-sea trawl sector
Other appeal processes outstanding
SOUTH AFRICA: The Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment DFFE released a 35-page document outlining the appeal decisions for the hake deep-sea trawl sector this week and has given unsatisfied stakeholders 180 days to launch judicial review processes.
“I was required to balance the need to admit new entrants into the sector with the need to achieve an equitable redistribution of the Total Allowable Catch. I was also mindful of the need to promote medium to smaller entities,” said Minister Barbara Creecy in explaining her considerations during the process.
The Minister has assured appellants that they will be provided with the outcome of their individual appeal decisions in due course, while rights holders will soon be able to access the FRAP Online Portal for their grant of right letters.
Two companies, Sea Harvest Corporation and Irvin & Johnson Limited together hold just over 65 percent of the TAC allocation.
Hake Longline Sector |
280 |
27 Oct 2023 |
Sardine Sector |
169 |
25 Nov 2023 |
Anchovy Sector |
230 |
30 Nov 2023 |
Other processes that remain outstanding include the hake longline appeals, sardine appeals and anchovy appeals. According to a statement issued by DFFE, these are due to be finalised by the end of November.
“The deferral of the timelines for finalisation of the remaining sectors is necessary to ensure that I arrive at the correct decision on all appeals. The deferral will not prejudice any of the appellants and right holders in the remaining sectors, because I will have finalised and issued my appeal decisions in these sectors prior to the commencement of the next fishing seasons in January 2024,” Creecy said