Eastern Cape abalone to be allocated to small-scale fishers
Call of public comment
SOUTH AFRICA: Having published his intention to allocate abalone found in the Eastern Cape to the small-scale fishing sector, the Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Dion George has called for public comment.
This follows the conclusion of an experiment to investigate the distribution, size and availability of wild abalone in the Eastern Cape that included a desktop study as well as the implementation of a fishery management plan to collect data and monitor the fishery.
According to the information published in today’s Government Gazette, the findings of the Eastern Cape abalone experimental project that was conducted from Groot River to the western boundary of Dwesa-Cwebe Marine Protected Area, shows that the abalone resource is unlikely to be able to sustain a commercial fishery.
The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE), it therefore proposing that the abalone resource in the Eastern Cape be made available to the small-scale sector subject to the following proposed conditions and/or considerations:
- Abalone is already an existing fishery, and allocations in the Eastern Cape will be considered an extension of the existing fishery for this resource.
- There will be no requirement for further experimental fishing of abalone in the Eastern Cape. Catch statistics and resource trends from an allocated fishery must be monitored annually and catch allocations adjusted in response to resource trends.
- Allocations will be made for each of the six experimental fishing areas in order to avoid the risk of local depletion in any one area.
- Allocations will be precautionary and in line with the allocations provided in the experimental fishery as detailed in the areas indicated in the table below.
- The proposed allocations will cover the sites identified and illustrated in the below map.
- The size limit will be set at 114 mm to retain consistency with the commercial fishery.
- Abundance surveys will be conducted, and data from confiscated poached abalone in the Eastern Cape will be analysed to update catch allocation determinations for future total allowable catch.
If approved, the Delegated Authority will be required to set a total allowable catch and/or total allowable effort for the small-scale fishing sector for inclusion in the basket of species that may be harvested by small scale fishing right holders allocated in terms of section 18 of the Marine Living Resources Act, 1998 (MLRA).
An experimental allocation of 28.5 tons for the Eastern Cape was proposed and the coastal region was divided into six areas.