Marine spatial plan published for comment
Calling for public stakeholder review
SEYCHELLES: Seychelles’ draft Marine Spatial Plan has been made available for public comment for a 28-day period.
In-country stakeholder consultations and public review of the Marine Spatial Plan will be held on 19th February for the SC and TWG members and the 20th February for a public information session.
Stakeholders and the public are invited to review and comment on the DRAFT Seychelles Marine Spatial Plan document. With support leads the Seychelles Marine Spatial Plan Initiative (SMSP) for all of Seychelles ocean.
The Seychelles Marine Spatial Plan (SMSP) Initiative is a process focused on planning for, and the management of, the sustainable and long-term use and health of the Seychelles ocean. The SMSP Initiative is a Government-led process, with planning and facilitation by The Nature Conservancy (TNC) in partnership with Government of Seychelles – UNDP GEF Programme Coordinating Unit (PCU), now named the Programme Development and Coordination Section (PDCS). Funding for the Initiative was provided through a number of grants to Government of Seychelles and private awards to TNC.
The process engaged with more than 12 marine sectors of the Seychelles including fishing, tourism and marine charters, biodiversity conservation, renewable energy, port authority, maritime transport and safety, and non-renewable resources in order to develop a comprehensive marine plan with stakeholder input.
The DRAFT Plan will be available to review for a 28 day period and MACCE and the SMSP team requests stakeholder feedback through an online comment form using Survey Monkey.
Comment Period Open: 10 Feb – 10 Mar 2025
Comment Period Closes: Monday 10 March at 11:59 PM, Seychelles local timeQuestions: Please contact
Seychelles MSP Project Manager, Helena Sims at
Contacts: MACCE representative, Director General, Rodney Quatre