Technical assistance offered to developing countries
IMO offers support to create National Action Plans
The International Maritime Organisation is offering support to developing countries who require technical assistance for the creation of National Action Plans to reduce emissions from shipping via the GreenVoyage2050 programme.
African countries who are eligible for official development assistance need to submit their applications by 6 September this year. Successful applicants will be required to host local workshops and coordinate communication between the public and private sectors.
“National Action Plans are essential for every country looking to tackle maritime GHG emissions effectively.”
“National Action Plans are essential for every country looking to tackle maritime GHG emissions effectively. Our programme not only offers technical support but also promotes collaboration among stakeholders, ensuring that these plans are practical, actionable, and tailored to each country's unique needs. By supporting the development of these plans, we enable developing countries to build a sustainable and resilient maritime future," said Astrid Dispert, GreenVoyage2050 Manager.
The GreenVoyage2050 programme has been actively supporting partnering countries in the process of developing a national maritime emission baseline to inform evidence-based policymaking and highlight priority actions. The development of a NAP requires significant coordination across various ministries and stakeholders.
TheGreenVoyage2050 programme facilitates these dialogues to ensure effective NAP development and implementation. Selected countries will receive technical assistance, including targeted capacity-building and training, the provision of expert personnel, assistance with data analysis, technical guidance, stakeholder dialogue facilitation, and administrative support.
A National Action Plan outlines a country's strategies to reduce GHG emissions from ships. These plans can include various measures, such as enhancing institutional and legislative frameworks, promoting energy efficiency, researching and adopting low-carbon and zero-carbon fuels, accelerating port emission reduction strategies, and developing infrastructure for green shipping.
The implementation of NAPs and policy actions identified therein, can facilitate the step change needed to significantly reduce ship emissions and support achieving IMO's GHG mitigation commitments.